white red and yellow citrus fruits
#100wordhabit Writing

#100wordhabit – changing my great starter, bad finisher habits

I may have an opportunity to do something that I didn’t look for, wasn’t expecting, but if it happens it will change my life for the better, I’m not joining an MLM or going on a banana-only diet or anything like that.

Because I’m a great starter and a shitty finisher of personal projects, I’m documenting this process as I go. I’m writing in the framework of David Kadavy’s 100words a day project. It’s money-free, but costs time and attention and I think it will help exercise my writing muscle.

Hey, I got to 90!

So, this is the idea: up, do my ablutions, write my 100 words, research and write my newsletter, plan the art I’ll create for the newsletter, do all the things that are necessary to promote the newsletter, work on my artshop, etc etc. No, I won’t be able to do all of this in a 1 hour block in the morning. Yes, I have to schedule this so I get an hour of Japanese study, plus exercise. No, I’m not sure yet how I’ll do it.

But it’s so much fun to try!

golden ruling it

Dear atheists, what made you convinced that God doesn’t exist? — Rpin_You (@VasardRp) April 1, 2022   would I live my life differently if s/he/the does exist? treat people differently? […]